Written by Bridget C. Williams


Well now, it’s time to get back to school or college.   How will you adjust after having a long summer break? It can be hard to adjust for the school year.   Your sleep pattern will be messed up the first 3 weeks back to school.


 Are you ready for school?  I am just checking in, to see if you are back on track for school. Are you ready to get into school mode?   Below find some tips to get back on track. Remember the list that was provided at the end of the school year to prepare you for the next year.


Do you have all your school supplies for your class that’s required?

Make sure that you get the specified supplies so that you are able to keep up with the class work and stay organized.

During the first day of class, most teachers will tell you everything they require for their courses.


Do you have an Agenda?

Make sure you get one because you are going to have a busy year.  This is a great way to keep track of your classes and assignments.   Start this practice to prepare you for college.  Between taking a test, doing homework, attending activities and school events it’s a crazy schedule to keep track of everything. This will help you manage and accomplish many tasks on a timely basis.  This is one of the best tools for time management. Time management is very important to have.  Once you start working this is necessary


Know your Course Outline  

Knowing your class schedule is so important for being successful in the course your taking. Teachers will typical hand out your class schedule or post it online.  Check your PowerSchool on a regular basis is a big help.   Check in with your all teachers to make you’re on track. Keep a schedule in your locker and one in your bedroom on the wall easy access.  It is a safe and convenient place to frequently view. Knowing when you have papers and projects due is so important for passing the course and keeping up your grades. It’s now required to have 85 – 100 average for a university.  You should check with the campus if you know what is required; you can then work harder to get those marks up.  Having the schedule will allow you to plan ahead and give you enough time to complete every assignment and get great grades! This is what you are aiming for.


No Procrastinating

This is something that most people have been guilty of in the past and have learned the hard way and the stress that comes with it. A habit starts in the first 2 weeks.  Please take this seriously. Dedicating time every day to the courses you are taking is definitely going to impact and reflect in your grades and make you a better student!  This Year!


What is Expected of You?

This is mandatory to know what your teachers are expecting from you. Pay attention to what the teacher is saying about the workload of the class and what they are hoping for you to get out of it. Teachers are supposed to want you to succeed so most likely they will provide you with what you needed. Knowing their expectations and achieving them will help your year run smoothly. Always remember that communicating with your teachers is key for understanding their expectations and your expectations to Grade.


Get Involved

Getting involved with your school community is great because you can pursue your interest and meet peers who have the same and similar interest as you. If you enjoy playing sports, music, lectures, class president try out for the school teams. There are many clubs that you may be interested in. If your school doesn’t have the sports you play, a club you want to join, or a musical or theater program then talk to your school administrators and see if you are able to start your own!  Perhaps a homework club that will help so many of you learn from each other.


What Type of Leaner are YOU?

Everyone is individual and so is the way you learn! There are three main types of learning styles which are auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic. Knowing what type of learner you are is going to help you be a better student and have better studying habits. When you are able to determine the type of learning style that is best for you, you will find better results when you are studying and it will result in higher test scores! I highly encourage you to do some research and determine the type of learner you are so you can personalize your studying.



What’s your Academic Goals for this Year?

Write out a list of goals that you want to achieve for the upcoming school year! Do you want to improve your grades? You can reach all the goals you set for this year! When you write down every goal you are able to plan and realize what you need to do to prepare for them. Having that list can be a driving and motivating force to help you work to achieve those goals.  Put your list of Goals in your Locker door.  Every time you open that door you will be reminded.

Every new school year is an opportunity for a fresh start, new friends, and to make it count. You have the potential to make this year one of the best ones yet!

What type of Learner are YOU