
My prayer for you today

January 28, 2017

 Thank you god from moving the cobwebs from my soul.   It is you that We cling to as our anchor.  When you are stuck in a rut shake it off.   You have been presented with  life and will from god.   Take it to heart and embrace his transformation.   Rekindle the light that shines in you from the depth of your soul.  God is gracious and merciful.   No one is perfect we all have trespassed at some point in life.

God is a god who forgives, restores, and reforms.   He is a way maker.  Throughout difficult times we build on the positive choices of my past.   Look forward to the present and the now.   We must live for today because tomorrow isn’t promise to any of us.   You god are grace and mercy and without you we are not complete.

Never let us forget that our total effort is to cheer people, make them happy momentarily. May we grow in the faith so that there are no regrets. Value friendships and loyalty, and develop attitudes and values, treasuring all that is lasting and important. Inspire us to remaining committed in our  work, sharing quality time with my family and friends.

Your grace is magnificently sufficient.  In my busy days of noise and action, remind us of our need for time alone and for peace and quiet and silence within. Help us to transform the difficulties that come our way into opportunities. Grant us the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can

Bridget Williams




My prayer for you today

January 27, 2017

Help us to remain positive – encouraging and appreciating one another, looking upon people in the same way that you do. Lord Jesus, I ask you to open our eyes as you did with the blind man.  The revelations are being revealed to us.    May the many experiences of my senses remind us to be aware of others and of all that is around us.

May all that we experience lead us closer to you.   Grant us to recognise in others the radiance of your faith.   God our Father, extend our horizons, widen our vision.  Breathe your breath of life into us.   Inspire us to distinguish between what is important and what is not.     Make it so that we may always be people of good will who bring life and joy to others.

Give us all courage, strength and generosity to let go and move on, leaving the past behind us. I entrust the past to your mercy, the present to your love, and the future to your providence.  Lord, we bring all of our concerns to you, and we review them with shame and regret in your steadfast light.

Whatever wrong we have done you tread down our faults to the bottom of the sea. Lead us to be generous in accepting and forgiving others in the same way as you accept and forgive us. Father and lover of life, you know the depths of our innermost self, and you understand us.

Bridget Williams


My prayer for you today

January 26, 2017

As we journey along the peaceful shores with you holy father.   It is you who conquers our fears.   Take my hand precious Lord and lean me on.   You will not stop god and I trust that you are with us now. God our heavenly Father, when the thought of you wakes in our hearts. O Christ, our Morning Star, Splendour of Light Eternal, shining with your glory.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit.   Rejoice in his consolation. Through Christ our Lord.  You God are the bright flame before us, a guiding star above us.   Forgive us for forgetting about you. I give you my whole self that you may grow in us so that it is you, Lord Jesus.

I want you to live and work and play in us God. I ask you to join us in offering to our Father not only the good things of this day but also the suffering and sacrifices that we want to offer cheerfully and lovingly. I ask for the power of your Spirit that we may remain positive throughout all that is ordinary in our daily life. I thank you, Lord, for knowing me better than I know myself, and for letting me know myself better than others know me.

I give thanks for those who lived their faith through difficulties and hardship and persecution.  God through people whose faith has touched others and so reached us.     Inspire us to respect and value each person who comes into our lives this day. Lord, we come before you as we are. Strengthen us with the power of your Spirit that our attitude and outlook may develop in your glorious and precious name

Bridget Williams


My prayer for you today

January 25, 2017

Be fruitful and multiply.  This means our whole being internally and externally.   I spirits must be engage in adoration of god’s fruit for us.   Be still and know that he is our God from our heavenly home.   We are not pillars of salt we are the sweet water which can sooth our temperaments.    You Jesus are divine and our intervention for everything that is put upon us.

Fill our cups with inward replenishing over us.   Lord, you said that when two or three would gather together in your name, then you would be present with them. Even when we are one you are still with us.   We want to be more like you daily.   Remove the toxic verbiage that comes from our mouth.  You are worthy of all praise glory and honour.  When we speak on behalf of god we must be true to his word.

Ask god to forgive you for tearing down others instead of lifting others up.   What would god do?  He would extend his hand and be merciful.   God alone is the eternal judge not man.   If we dishonour you lord god by taking ways and means of our own.  You will stops us in our tracks.   If you don’t understand god word than challenge yourself to learn more about it.

As we decipher what your word means and get the meaning of understanding.  We can than apply it to our lives.   People tend to speculate that you know when you may not know.    This is nothing to be ashamed of, ask questions.   If you don’t understand go to someone that does so that you get a clear picture.     You Lord god want us to multiply spiritually, mentally, financially, and many other overflows.   We must trust you god in order for this to work out in our favour.

Bridget Williams


My prayers for you Today

January 24, 2017

Reign of love rest on us.   Glory to you god.    You have shine your light through others who are doing your will.   We the people by faith and not by sight.   You god takes pleasure in our prosperities.   It is because of you Lord God.   We trust you holy one.   We walk by faith and not by sight.   Through your land god – go over the earth pick us up when we have faulted.

We stand before you coming to ask for forgiveness.   I repent my sins and will worship you all the days of my life.   God of all nations transform us inward out.   We must be disengaged so that you god can enter in.   Father forgive us for being in our own ways.   You have bestowed upon us all tongues of men and of angels.  As you lord god affirm our interpretations.  Our reproaches are a disgrace to you lord god.

Forgive us for not understanding or knowing better.  Once we put our eyes on you god things will become discerning in our spirits. It all about you God, not us.   Our all is because of you and we should not take it for granted.   Let us hold onto your unchanging hand.   Let our sins be washed away and renewed in our spirits and our walk for you god.

We must be taught your will god which is not a thing of the past but the present.   We put ourselves before you god.   Shame on us!  We are shielded by your angels and your deliverance over our live.   You have picked up and carried the cross for us.   We are indebted to you God.   Thank you Jesus for your forgiveness.

Bridget Williams



My Prayer for you Today

January 23, 2017


As the tears roll down my face and the heaviness is a deception to take my hands off you God.   I will release this darkness from my spirit so that you holy spirit can enter in.   You have blessed us all so differently.   We all have the pleasure of being in the presence.   God as we share our love for you bring forth strength in our spirits.   You have bought us from the pit of hell with your saving grace.

Your mercy endurance forever and ever, all over the earth.   We shall pick up that cross stained with your blood and wear it in our hearts.   I plead for your guidance, forgiveness, love, compassion, and understanding.   Sometimes we sink in a low place.   But you god covers us in the mist of all storms.     You have been a way maker and never cease to amaze me.  When I think you are finished you pull us out of unforeseen circumstances.

Precious Jesus my undying love for you is like no other.   You are the one who walks beside me daily.   You calm all insecurities and anxiousness.   Feeling your presence Lord brings joy into my being.  You put pep in my step.     There is now a peace in my spirit which you God have removed.   Allow us to continue to grow in your grace and mercy.    Thank you god for keeping us humble.

Bridget Williams



My Prayer for you  Today

January 22, 2017


Most of us realize that our own strength is not always enough to get through some of the situations that this life brings. Please, Lord, give us the strength that we need to face today. Don’t have to worry about tomorrow. Keep us from sinning during the trial. Instead, help us to fixate our eyes on you.   Keep us ever in your watch, until we can walk again with light hearts and renewed spirits.

Lord I know that you have all of the strength I need.   I pray that you will reach down and touch us right now wherever we are at this moment.   Our hearts are troubled god but we strive to keep our eyes on you. Show us the right way to go and adjust with the right resolution.  Give us your infinite wisdom.  God will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

God will uphold you and give you strength.   Be anxious for nothing; guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. I realize God that you have a firm grip on me and you are not letting go. Uphold us with your hands which are full of righteousness and love.    Today I want to commit my all to you.   You will sustain us no matter what I have to endure.  The word that saves is right here (God), as near as the tongue is in your mouth, as close as the heart in your chest.

Welcome and embrace, body and soul, God’s work of doing in us what he did in raising Jesus from the dead.  Whatever god has for you is for you.   Rise above the clutter, and pray.  You’re the only one I know who will truly listen, Lord. Blow away the cobwebs that keep cluttering our mind and our vision. Thank you for understanding me and loving us, in spite of us.

Bridget Williams



My Prayer for you today

January 21, 2017


Educate your mind body and spirit to do the will of god.  When god plants a seed in you use it for growth in your life, and cleanse your spirit.   We should bow down before god every day.   He is the reason you woke up this morning.   It does not matter what kind of day you have just know that god is with you.  Those off days for you could be a lesson for you and other.    Through it all trust god.

He is the wheel in the middle of that wheel that just keeps turning in your mind, body, and spirit.  Quench the thirst of his holy and undying love for you.  Fill our cups lord so that they are over flowing with the nourishment from you lord god.   Create good conditions for growth and use fertile ground that going to help in your growth period.

Growing never stops unless you prohibit it.  Over the years the seed in you may germinate or die.   It depends on you.   Breathe life into your future and watch things bloom.  It is not us who creates the kingdom of god.  It is there ready to be entered into.   The power of God behind the miracle contained within a seed.   Let it rise up in you and grow within you.   We might not notice the difference from one day to the next.  When we look at the bigger picture then we can perhaps acknowledge the fact that the work of God goes on day to day.

By constantly growing in order to achieve your purpose – fruitfulness and a harvest will be given to you. When you reach out to others, the seed you sow will come back to you. God will enable you to help others, and if you’ll sow a seed and help others, that’s what’s going to bring your own harvest. It’s fine to pray for you, but keep it in perspective; God already knows what we need.

Bridget Williams



My Prayer for you Today

January 20, 2017


Faithful and loving God, and grant us your gifts of love, wisdom and faith. Fill us with the light of your presence and establish them in the joy of your kingdom. We thank almighty God for the gift of new life.  God pour upon you the riches of his grace.  As we begin the amazing journey of faith.
Lead us in the right path.

Father god be close to all the people who need help. Keep us safe, and let us grow well in every way. We pray for all children every race and creed. His footprints there beside your own, always within reach. But do not think the Lord has left you, nothing could be more wrong. It’s just that He has picked you up, to carry you along.

You are the strength of the future and the Beauty of past, present, and future. When we feel we’ve had enough. May your blessing of peace and joy be with them and protect them all of their days. Watch over us that we may be examples of your love.  Inspire us to be a listening presence, a calming influence and a source of joy, as we share new experiences together. give us strength to try again. The Lord will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.  May your blessing of peace and joy be with us and protect them all of their days.


Reveal your power and let your reign begin. May your will be done, O Lord. We kneel before your throne and plead to your mercy over us. Be with us with your Holy Spirit, O Lord God, our Father.

Bridget Williams




My Prayer for you Today

January 19, 2017

 Baptism demands following Jesus. We must confess publicly and actively. We must repent our sins and be subservient to the will of god. Baptism demands Righteousness. We must be obedient. All the way– you are encouraged to look to him for guidance. Baptism is being blessed by god. Jesus opened up heaven’s gate and identified himself as the Holy Spirit.

The blessing of living a life of holiness and you are tested continually. Be compelled to follow Jesus he is the way maker. Get to know the Lord. Trust in god. Trust and obey for there is no other way. How much to you love Jesus? He is a comforter that has come to seek and to save. He said not being baptised is like being in a common-law relationship. There is no commitment in other words.

To be baptised means that you are committed to god. Once you are married you are committed to each other in Jesus name. Binded by the Holy Spirit, and moving forward. Remember today is not promised to no man, women, or child.  We must be fruitful and multiply spiritually in Jesus name.

Make us whole lord god our body and our soul.    Remove nonsense from our dialogue so that your light comes out.   You’re taking this step of faith. In obedience to the Lord To be baptized in His precious name, And heed the Master’s call.   May angels guide your feet and bring you smiles to wear and may our Heavenly Father always keep you in His care.

Bridget Williams







My prayer for you today

January 18, 2017

Rejoice and be glad in it.   Free us god from self-destruction and persecution.  Allow us god to tread the path of righteousness.    Give us growth in your will and your way.  Stimulate and rejuvenate our thinking and processes.    Help us to realize that our body are temples and should be treated with respect.   Our shells will become decease of death one day and return to dust.   We must pick up our cross and follow you while we are present.

Claim deliverance over the lives of those that don’t know you by faith.   Let the renounce the carnal nature that we all have.   You are our rock in the storms of life.  You can remove the shackles that cross our path and make them disintegrate.   Help us to recover from our past hurts and pain.   We must forgive and give up that ghost of yesterday.    Reflect on the now and shake the devil off.

Who’s in control of your destiny?  Don’t allow others to steal your joy and detach the negative talk from yourself and from others.    How do we get where we need to go and who do we talk too?  Turn your blessings into lesson which can help others.   Though turbulence and rough patches may eventually cease.   This is based on your will to change.

Remove roulette from people’s lives   that are willing to step forward.   God is a god of truth, promise, intercession, eradicating.   It is you god in the spirit of worthiness, transformation, refuge, through it all.   Let us t be submissive and follow what you have bestowed upon us.      Don’t be resentful or jealous because someone else is being blessed differently than you.   Remember god’s plan is different for everyone.   Inspire those who are growing in god’s grace instead of ridicule.    Be encouraging and not discouraging this is the will of God.

Bridget Williams
















